1. Q: Where can I get craft supplies?

A: Beside craft and art stores, craft supplies can be sourced at many stationery stores, for example, Naipaul's, Jadoo's, or Charran's.

2. Q: I'm not very creative but my kids love doing craft. What can I do?

A: The Internet has a lot of ideas about things you can make and do. Sites like Pinterest and YouTube give step by step tutorials so you know exactly what to do. There are also many craft blogs that have tons of great ideas!

Tips: Do your research before you begin. Search for simple crafts, and figure out what resources you'll need before you begin. Maybe even give it a trial run so you know what to do when you begin.

3. Q: Are craft supplies expensive?

A: Some can be expensive, but generally most things are affordable. However, you can do craft with items you can find in your home. When searching for ideas be sure to include keywords like 'craft with household items', or 'simple craft ideas for kids'.

4. Q: What can I do to get my children to put down their phones or tablets/decrease screen time?

A: Set time limits. Screen time can also include how much time they spend in front of the           television. Allow them a specific amount of time or day or per week. But ensure that you have other activities for them to partake in so they don't become bored.

5. Q: How can I get my kids to eat healthier during the vacation?

A: That's actually not as hard as you think. Kids eat what's available...so make healthy options available. Ensure there are lots of fruits and healthy snacks available. Cook food with vegetables - even if you have to cut it up into tiny pieces and hide it in their food. Limit the amount of junk food and sodas that you buy or bring into the house. Let them drink water instead of juice. You decide what they eat.

6. Q: How do I get my children to read?

A: You need to make reading seem fun. Create an environment where reading is habitual. Buy books or join a library. Let your kids see YOU reading, so it seems normal. Read with them and eventually they may want to do it on their own.

7. Q: Are there any alternatives similar to summer camps but cheaper?

A: Many churches have Vacation Bible School, that are usually much cheaper options to summer camps and offer many of the same benefits. Local libraries offer daily activities as well as community programs also exist, but this may not apply to all communities. Some schools also offer summer lessons blended with extracurricular activities.
