Play Date

Play Dates can sound like they're for babies...but they really can be lots of fun for everyone! You can have a play date with your neighbours, your cousins, your church friends...pretty much anyone whose children are close in age to your own. It gives your kids the opportunity to improve their socialisation skills and make new friends. And it gives you the chance to catch up on the latest gossip, get some much needed adult interaction, or just relax with your friends and family. 

So where can you go? Let them come over to your house, or (if you don't want to have to clean up after) go to their house. Or, go to the park, or the movies, or have a picnic at the Botanical Gardens or even a field near your home. But most importantly spend time with your kids and don't forget to get a little me time - whether it's with a friend or dropping your kids off at someone's's a win-win for everybody! 


  1. Sometimes play dates are the only times some parents get adult interaction. Especially in the first few months after the baby is born, it's a good idea to meet with other moms of babies. Sometimes you need it more than the little people

  2. Sometimes play dates are the only times some parents get adult interaction. Especially in the first few months after the baby is born, it's a good idea to meet with other moms of babies. Sometimes you need it more than the little people

  3. I live playdates just as much as my kids do!!

  4. I really like this idea of play dates so I can entertain them without the hassel of cleaning up after the kids.


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