What's cooking?

Kids love helping out in the kitchen....especially younger ones. They're eager to try their hands at cooking or baking.  Letting them help out is a very rewarding experience since they feel as if they've contributed to the meal! And the more you let them help, the more they'll learn and the more they will be able to do on a regular basis.

So what are some of the things they can do? 

Let them measure. It teaches the younger ones to count and recognise numbers, and it can  help in teaching the older ones conversions (which can be useful in math!).

Let them stir. It teaches them control and coordination.

Let them taste....JUST FOR FUN!

Let them do dishes....even if it's just for you to have one less thing to do!

Let them read recipes while you're cooking....It helps improve their reading skills.

Ask them what they think you should make...then let them tell you what they think the ingredients are. The experience can be both fun and educational! Most of all you're spending quality time together, and that's most important of all!


  1. I never realised how much theycould learn by just helping out in the kitchen. Good stuff.

  2. Cooking is a popular summer activity in our household...especially baking yummy treats.

  3. This is really helpful to educate them and have them help out in the kitchen at the same time!


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